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photo of T. Hattori

Toshiaki HATTORI

Ph.D. (Physics), University of Tokyo, 1990
1990-1991: Postdoc at RIKEN
Since 1991: University of Tsukuba
Currently: Professor at University of Tsukuba
1996-1997: Visiting Researcher at MIT (Keith A. Nelson group)

Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8573, Japan
Phone: +81-29-853-5210 (direct)
Fax: +81-29-853-5205
Office: 3F625(Area 3 in Tsukuba Campus)
Labs: 3G216, Natural Science Building D205

Current Research: Science and technology of terahertz radiation

Undergraduate Course

College of Engineering Sciences
Program of Interdisciplinary Engineering (English course)

Graduate Course

Doctoral Program in Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
(Applied Physics)
(First two years are for a master degree.)
Subprogram in Applied Physics, Program in Engineering Sciences

For those who want to enter a graduate course:

We have openings for PostDocs

Recent Publications
University of Tsukuba Repository
TRIOS: The University of Tsukuba - Researchers information
Google Scholar

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November 4, 2019